CDD Research & Development

Research Topics, Methodologies & Facilities

Countering cyberattacks against AI/ML (e.g. Model Extraction, Bias Introduction, Reflexive Adaptation & Data Repudiation [RADaR])
Advanced machine augmented learning architectures (e.g. SqP/SyP) that are resistent to cyberattack
Neuromorphic computation applied to the cyber security arena 
Applied Machine Learning - Hybrid cybersecurity for blended attacks 
Augmented Identification and Authentication - Similarity heuristics and hylomorphic analytics 
Alternative Quantum data structures supportive of Quantum Machine Learning (QML)
Enhanced, blended cybersecurity modeling using formal frameworks 
(E.g. NIST CSF  -  ISO27K  -  NCSC-CAF)
Commercial Quantum Readiness Programme
Methodology Interoperation (e.g.CDD[CMM]/NIST-CSF/MITREAtt&ck)
Strict and full PRINCE-II Development Disciplines (Internal to CDD)

See supportive Recent Reading below:

The CDD R&D arena includes:


  • General Development  -  XTools,  Swift,  C & C++,  Python,  Jupyter
  • High Performance Parallelism and Multi-processing -  Python / OpenCL etc for GPU-architectures
  • High Speed Demand (Assembler)  -  NASM / YASM / CUDA


  • Augmented Human Congition ('Generative AI') -  KERAS, TensorFlow,  PYTorch(Tensors/Transformers/LLM/Datamining), Scikit-Learn, MATLAB,  Numpy,  (+ Bitarray(large) GIMP_ML Open-CV etc.) 
  • Digital Twin Technology for the Security Arena) -  to mitigate unpredictable, undesirable emergent behavior in complex cyber security environs.
  • Quantum Computation -  CIRQ, IBM Qiskit, TensorFlow-Quantum

CDD Operational Facilities

Dedicated, Secure Premises & Telephony

Secure (Govt.Approved) Storage

PRINCE2 Development Processes (46 combinatorial Instruments in PASCAL & PEDDLE )

Integrated BAU Operational Administration

Forensic Analytics Practice

● Advanced IT Development Facilities

Developmental Supercomputing Architecture (+ internal Advanced Developmental Programme)

Green Power (and Uninterrupted Power Supply)

Web Presence, (including secure WAN/LAN, VPN and secure cloud domain)

Technical Reference Resources (Electronic/Physical Library + Bodleian Access)

PI/PL Insurance / Professional Memberships 

Training Programme 

CDD Operational Environ  (dedicated entirely to supporting our research)

Combinatorial/Operational Summary: 

Full Integration of 114 Cores & 960GB RAM / 20TB Storage / 40GBit N/W / Combined  31.8GHz - ZMM-[512bit] + Xeon throughput providing advanced, ultra-high performance GP-GPU (processing across large matrices (tot. 33GB) with + Metal-3 and support augmented CUDA) combined on: 

- AMD Radeon Pro 5500M - Intel UHD Graphics 630 - AMD Radeon ProVega 64X

High Throughput Machine Space: 

Apple Servers:   MacPro-128GB,  iMacPro-128GB and MacMini-64GB

Development and Analytics

Apple MacBook Pro, iMacPro, MacPro (+Sonoma)

Design and Research

iMac and iPad Pro

Software Arena


All Technical Documentation - LaTeX

Innovation - Brain Tech - Notability - ProCreate

Development - SWIFT Pycharm

Network Analytics - WireShark

CDD Cyber Security Transmutative Systems Development

CDD has progressed development in a number of areas of cyber security which call upon techniques from expert systems, neural networks, machine learning, deep neural networks and augmented human cognition (that some confuse with AI). A modest portfolio of sub-systems are available to consultants in the performance of specialist security services. Some organisations have adopted similar techniques in bespoke engineering scenarios. 

CAVA - Cyber Audit and Verification Arena
CORE - Cyber Operational Response Engineering
CSA - CyberSec Situational Awareness
SAM - Security Assurance Metrication
DSA - Dynamic Security Assessment
SIMS - Security Information Mapping System
OILS - Operational Intelligence and Logistics System
CCAS - Cyber Conflict Analytics System
ARTTS - Advanced Response Techniques to Threatened Systems
VASE - Vulnerability Analytics Search Engine
CsMM - Cybersecurity Maturity Methodology
LICKS - Logical Intelligence Control for Knowledge-based  System(s)
TrEAD - Trust Engineering, Architecture and Deployment
CLEAR - Correlated Log Engineering for Advanced Reconnaissance.  
ACTOR - Advanced Crypto-key Transmission for Operational Resilience
FRBSA - An advanced Facial Recognition Biometric Security Architecture 

CDD Patent Preparation/Submissions

SqP/SyP/SmP Data Structure

Final Preparation for Submission (2024)


Short Peer Review and Preparation(2023) 


In Preparation for Submission (2024)

CDD Recent Reading (for research guidance and commentary)

A question is repeatedly arising for CDD, namely how firms and individuals might get involed with machine learning architectures. 

A really good start has been provided by a Dr. Jason Browlee...a very experienced proponent of machine learning (and AI if you like such terminology), and this document provides some excellent guidance on how to approach the subject.  There is a very large corpus of material in the CDD technical library and this can be made available to anyone making a reasonable request and whom might benefit from such access. (Please make contact).

How CDD goes about preparing high-throughput hyper-parallel processing architectures using GPUs. 

Details the instruction set and the microcode formats native to this family of processors that are accessible to programmers and compilers.  The main purposes of this document are to specify the language constructs and behavior, including the organization of each type of instruction in both text syntax and binary format.  Also it provide a reference of instruction operation that compiler writers can use to maximize performance of the general purpose AMD processor.

NAT Interim Incident Report

Learning to learn with Quantum Neural Networks via classical neural networks 

Finding good parametrisation characteristics for QNN, rapidly identifying approximate optima in the parametr landscape (QAOA for MaxCut and QAOA for Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Ising model and Variational Quantum Eignesolver for the Hubbard model), reduction in the number of optimization iterations, optimization strategies learned by the NN generalsing well across a number of problem instance sizes and training on small problem instances in oder to initialise larger, intractable simulations on quantum devices. LINK

Universal quantum control through deep reinforcement learning

Control optimization of reinforcement learning techniques using DNN.

TensorFlow Quantum: A software framework for quantum machine learning

The introduction of TFQ for high level abstractions for the design and training of both generative and discriminitive quantum infomration models for simulation of high performance quantum circuits.

Assessment of Deployed Cryptographic Policy in Government/Military Operational Sphere 

In relation to the three areas of special interest, the following specific cryptographic policy areas deployed for Military Alliance and Government by CDD include:

800-186 Recommendations for Discrete Logarithm-based Cryptography: Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters
800-175B Rev. 1 Guideline for Using Cryptographic Standards in the Federal Government: Cryptographic Mechanisms 
800-175A Guideline for Using Cryptographic Standards in the Federal Government: Directives, Mandates and Policies 
800-152 A Profile for U.S. Federal Cryptographic Key Management Systems (CKMS) 
800-140F Rev. 1 CMVP Approved Non-Invasive Attack Mitigation Test Metrics: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 
800-140F CMVP Approved Non-Invasive Attack Mitigation Test Metrics: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 
800-140E CMVP Approved Authentication Mechanisms: CMVP Validation Authority Requirements for ISO/IEC 19790 Annex E and ISO/IEC 24579 Section 6.17 
800-140D Rev. 2 Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP)-Approved Sensitive Security Parameter Generation and Establishment Methods: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 
800-140C Rev. 2 Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP)-Approved Security Functions: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 
800-140B Rev. 1 CMVP Security Policy Requirements: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 and ISO/IEC 19790 Annex B 
800-140B CMVP Security Policy Requirements: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 and ISO/IEC 19790 Annex B 
800-140A CMVP Documentation Requirements: CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 
800-140 FIPS 140-3 Derived Test Requirements (DTR): CMVP Validation Authority Updates to ISO/IEC 24759 
800-135 Rev. 1 Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions 
800-133 Rev. 2 Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation 
800-131A Rev. 2 Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths 
800-130 A Framework for Designing Cryptographic Key Management Systems 
800-57 Part 3 Rev. 1 Recommendation for Key Management, Part 3: Application-Specific Key Management Guidance 
800-57 Part 2 Rev. 1 Recommendation for Key Management: Part 2 – Best Practices for Key Management Organizations 
800-57 Part 1 Rev. 5 Recommendation for Key Management: Part 1 – General 
800-56C Rev. 2 Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes 
800-56B Rev. 2 Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key-Establishment Using Integer Factorization Cryptography 
800-56A Rev. 3 Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key-Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography 

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